Thursday, March 08, 2007

Tom Evslin Nails Skype Potential

Skype and Paypal were always supposed to go together. Call, Query, Buy. Simple. But, and this is a very big but, what if people actually wanted to pay you in order to phone you and tell you things? What if, you had your own 1890/1900 number? Tom puts his finger on it when he says that this is a straight forward "dis-intermediation play". In this case, the telemarketing companies, or business intelligence agencies. If customers publish their own "lures" in the form of tags, or "attention streams", and then they can alter their "presence" to reflect the fact that, hey, for the right reason, and the right amount of money, I'm gonna let you interrupt me, then the world of direct marketing just does a spin on its head. Welcome to Telemarketing 2.0. (OK: Caveat: it may not take off, or may have limited take up within the Skype customer base because it doesn't break out into any phoneline, anywhere. How long before the advertising funded Mobile Phone companies hop onto this bandwagon?)

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there. Spoke with a friend of mine in the area of IPR, and he said that a lot of the pre-paid credit card models are already giving loyalty credit to other partner services; so any bespoke mechanism around IM credit transfer becomes an implementation restriction and not a commercial engagement requirement for credit transfer’s terms and conditions. Still, it might be interesting to see ones supermarket loyalty points becoming exchangeable,and tradeable from IM to IM.

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