Friday, October 27, 2006

Using Online Calenders and Notifications

The world of web 2.0 thought that one of the first things people needed to do on line was organise their personal lives. Calenders such as Google calender are pretty easy to find, and to use in isolation. But the real value is in being able to mesh applications together to suit your explicit needs. A good example of a company using their online events management service with YOUR particular calender is given here. Basically, if you sign up for the NY Times Automobile Club Events notification, they will post it to your calender, and update you via SMS if their are changes, or if just to remind you that it is coming up. Its a very small price to pay for getting people to turn up to your event. Given that new email platforms like are enabling email to be sent with a live embedded connection that constantly updates (i.e. your UPS parcel status), what it demonstrates is that there is a lot of value to be gained from looking at your existing softwares and meshing them with an online services. We may be a little way off yet though, especially given my personal experience in trying to get Outlook and Google Calender and my Nokia to sync seamlessly and without problems.

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