Thursday, July 05, 2007

Why do people drop out of online shopping?

Marketing Sherpa reports why: Many e-commerce checkouts are suffering from design problems which can be easily rectified. These include hidden charges, lack of clear delivery details, or poor usability. Business processes within the checkout area give customers problems User registration, shipping costs that customers consider too high, or overlong checkout processes. Some carts are abandoned for reasons beyond the control of the retailer. Some people will add items to their basket and reach the checkout when comparison shopping, with no intention of buying. Overall, some 60% of us abandon the process. Ultimately, you have to think that we are making the customer jump through hoops just to figure out if we are giving them value or not. At VoiceSage we made a decision early on: log on, use it, hear your phone ring, go wow! all functionality is clearly there, hopefully, easy to use. We can always make it better and if anyone has any comments on how we can improve this process, please let us know. Chances are, we can turn it around really fast.

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